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흑차 이야기/차 명상

차생활 실천(Practice of Tea life)

by 정마에Zeongmae 2024. 10. 16.


    차생활은 차에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 행다(行茶)를 준비하고 이행함으로써 건강한 마음가짐과 몸가짐을 수양하고, 차를 매개로 원만한 대인관계를 실천해 나가는 생활상을 의미한다[각주:1]

    차생활을 통해서 얻는 정서적 안정감이나 자기구현은 철학적 경지이며, 차생활로 얻어진 행다의 동작은 일련의 행동규범이 된다[각주:2]. 이와 같은 차생활의 실천은 개인의 정서적 유대감과 의사소통 증진, 문제해결력 향상 등을 통해 행복감을 갖게 한다. 차생활 실천은 건강하고 행복한 삶을 이끌게 되는 것이다[각주:3].

    차 명상의 목적은 차생활의 명상적 가치를 잘 활용하여 차생활이 실질적인 수양의 방편이 되는데 있으므로 평범한 일상의 행위들을 명상화하고 생활에 적용하여 삶의 질을 높일 수 있다[각주:4].

    차 명상에서의 호흡은 단순히 숨을 들이쉬고 내쉬는 차원을 넘어서 생체에너지의 흐름을 조절하고 활성화 시킨다. 몸과 마음을 연결해 주는 연결고리인 호흡은 중추신경계와 자율신경계를 통해 마음과 직접적으로 연결된다. 자율신경계의 통제를 받는 호흡을 조절하는 것은 마음의 활동을 직접 통제 함으로써 집중과 안정의 상태로 이끌게 된다[각주:5]. 즉 차 명상에서의 호흡조절은 의식을 통합하고 마음의 안정을 얻는 지름길이다.

    개인이 호흡을 조절한다는 것은 신체와 마음의 변화를 알아차리고 그 변화에 대처할 수 있음을 의미한다[각주:6]. 이러한 호흡 자각은 자신의 내면을 성찰하여 유연한 마음을 갖도록 심리 변화를 유도한다. 자신의 문제를 알아차리고 바라볼 줄 알게 되면서 자신의 감정, 정서, 사고를 보다 객관화하여 자기 이해와 조절 능력을 배양[각주:7]하여 심신의 안정을 얻게 되는 것이다.

    차 명상은 음악을 듣거나 혹은 음악 없이 조용히 앉아 호흡에 집중하기, 찻잔을 들고 잔의 따뜻함ㆍ질감ㆍ형태ㆍ무게 느끼기, 차의 색ㆍ향ㆍ미에 집중하기, 천천히 차 마시기와 다식 먹기, 찻잔의 느낌과 호흡과 손의 움직임과 차 맛 등 을 교차하며 알아차리기, 평소 자신의 마음가짐 돌아보기, 주위 사람들에 대한 긍정의 마음 갖기 등의 활동이 이루어진다[각주:8].

    현대인이 겪는 신체적, 정신적 고통은 마음에서 오는 것이고 마음에서 시작된 고통의 원인을 알아차림으로써 고통으로부터 벗어날 수 있다. 스스로의 행동을 인식하고 알아차리는 것을 자각이라 한다. 자각을 함으로써 무의식적인 습관에서부터 심신에 있는 고통의 원인까지 알아차릴 수 있게 된다. 이같은 자각을 위해 꾸준히 노력할 수 있는 힘을 키우는 방법이 바로 명상이며, 차 명상은 차생활을 통해 알아차림을 연습하는 것이다[각주:9]. 개인의 언행 역시 생각과 마음에서 비롯되는 것이므로 건강한 마음가짐에서 건전한 언행이 나오게 된다. 

2024.10.09 - [Music Story/음악 & 치유] - 차 명상에 대한 전제(The premise of tea meditation)


차 명상에 대한 전제(The premise of tea meditation)

1) 신체적 자기개념     자기에 대한 개념을 자기개념(self-concept)이라고 한다. 문화, 연령, 성을 불문하고 총체적 자기개념에서 가장 중요한 역할을 하는 것은 신체적 자기개념이다. 특히 멋있는





    Tea life refers to a life in which a healthy mind and attitude are cultivated by preparing and implementing a Haengda based on an understanding of tea, and a smooth interpersonal relationship is practiced through tea. 

    The sense of emotional stability or self-implementation gained through the next life is a philosophical state, and the movement of Haengda obtained through the next life becomes a series of behavioral norms. Such practice of the next life gives a sense of happiness through the improvement of an individual's emotional bond, communication, and problem-solving ability. The practice of the next life is to lead a healthy and happy life.

    The purpose of tea meditation is to make good use of the meditative value of tea life to make tea life a practical way to cultivate, so ordinary daily activities can be meditated and applied to life to improve the quality of life.

    Breathing in tea meditation goes beyond just inhaling and exhaling to regulate and activate the flow of bioenergy. Breathing, which is a connection between the body and the mind, is directly connected to the mind through the central and autonomic nervous systems. By directly controlling the activity of the mind, controlling breathing under the control of the autonomic nervous system leads to a state of concentration and stability. In other words, breathing control in tea meditation is a shortcut to integrating consciousness and achieving peace of mind.

    When an individual controls breathing, it means that he or she can recognize changes in his or her body and mind and cope with those changes. This awareness of breathing induces psychological change to reflect on oneself and have a flexible mind. As you recognize and know how to look at your problems, you become more objective of your emotions, emotions, and thoughts, and cultivate self-understanding and control ability to achieve mental and physical stability.

    Tea meditation includes listening to music or sitting quietly without music and focusing on breathing, feeling the warmth, texture, shape, and weight of a cup with a teacup, focusing on the color, aroma, and beauty of tea, drinking tea slowly and eating tea, crossing the feeling of a teacup, breathing, movement of hands, and tea taste, looking back on one's usual mindset, and having a positive mind toward those around you.

    The physical and mental pain experienced by modern people comes from the mind, and you can escape from the pain by recognizing the cause of the pain that began with the mind. Recognizing and noticing one's own behavior is called self-awareness. By being aware, you can recognize the causes of pain in the mind and body from unconscious habits. Meditation is the way to develop the power to steadily strive for such self-awareness, and tea meditation is to practice recognition through tea life. Since an individual's words and actions also come from thoughts and minds, sound words and actions come out from a healthy mindset.

  1. 조명선, 2009 [본문으로]
  2. 유혜은, 2008 [본문으로]
  3. 박정희, 2006; 유혜은, 2008 [본문으로]
  4. 박미경,  2008 [본문으로]
  5. 왕인순ㆍ조옥경, 2006; 육영숙, 2009 [본문으로]
  6. 김기주, 1998; 육영숙ㆍ전진수, 2009 [본문으로]
  7. 정혜영, 2009; 육영숙, 2010b [본문으로]
  8. 정혜정, 2009 [본문으로]
  9. 이하경, 2009 [본문으로]